Laureato triennale in Informatica presso l' Università di Studi di Napoli "Federico II", appassionato del settore informatico e della comunicazione. Amante in particolare del Web, predilige il ruolo di WebDesigner, Social Media Manager e App Developer.
Through a wide variety of mobile applications, we’ve developed a unique visual system and strategy that can be applied across the spectrum of available applications.
So, just like identifying stocks with growth potential, pinpointing toxic stocks and offloading them at the right time is crucial to guard one’s portfolio from big losses or make profits by short selling them.
Heska Corporation HSKA, Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. TNDM, Credit Suisse Group CS,Zalando SE ZLNDY and Las Vegas Sands LVS are a few such toxic stocks.Screening Criteria
Through a wide variety of mobile applications, we’ve developed a unique visual system and strategy that can be applied across the spectrum of available applications.
Most recent Debt/Equity Ratio greater than the median industry average: High debt/equity ratio implies high leverage. High leverage indicates a huge level of repayment that the company has to make in connection with the debt amount.
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